Every Olympian does their transition this way and with a little practice and the right shoe so can you.
See how Olympians transition from the swim to bike with their shoes attached to the pedals
So before the race, clip your shoes onto the pedals. Make sure the bike is in a moderate gear so you have some resistance as you get started. You want the velcro closures to be loose but not unbuckled completely that they could get caught in your chain. Put baby powder in your shoes to keep them dry because you won't be wearing socks. Make sure the pedal cranks are horizontal and you might want to use elastic bands to keep the heels parallel to the ground while you place your feet on the top of the shoe after mounting the bike.
Once you've built a little speed up get one of your feet in at a time and secure the velcro. Practice, practice, practice! For a full run down on how to do triathlon transitions read our triathlon transitions blog post.
Here are the kind of shoes we recommend. Look for shoes with two relatively thick velcro straps with a hook at the back to attach the elastic bands if you want to do it that way. If you don't use the elastic band method and just let them hang you can also just cut those hooks off with some scissors.
Mens and Womens TR5 Shimano Triathlon Shoes (click the image for details)